List of all products

available from Reaxense

Compound Collection

Compound Collection

Via its proprietary compound sourcing platform Chemical SpaceTM, Reaxense offers millions of innovative organic compounds and chemical building blocks including many unique structures.

ActiSpace - Largest Biologically Active Compound Collection

ActiSpace - Largest Biologically Active Compound Collection

As one of the fields generating a massive amount of information, modern drug discovery has moved into the era of big data. Today, web-based publicly accessible databases can contain unprecedented number of molecules. Many of these databases have millions of bioactivity data points (such as IC50 or Ki) derived from large-scale biological experiments, clinical trials and medical records, and data are shared and proliferated between them.

Chelating Agents Library

Chelating Agents Library

Metal ions such as iron, copper, and zinc are essential for life. However, the excess of these elements in the human organism is considered a negative prognostic factor for many diseases. It could cause severe injuries to multiple systems: the nervous, respiratory, reproductive, and digestive tract. One of the most common ways of treatment of metal intoxication is the use of chelating agents.

Diversity Compound  Libraries for HTS

Diversity Compound Libraries

It is generally accepted that chemical diversity leads to diversity in bioactivity, hence majority high-throughput screening screening (HTS) efforts utilize compounds that are selected for being as unlike each other as possible. Highly diverse, optimized compound libraries improve the success of HTS by minimizing false positives and maximizing hit rates without significant increase in the library size.